Loc. Loppiano 50063 Figline e Incisa Valdarno (Firenze - ITALY) |
info@genrosso.com |
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This page describes the management modes of the website www.genrosso.com, with regard to the processing of the personal data of users visiting the site. Per Legislative Decree n.196/2003 (“Data Protection Code”) and of European Union Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, “GDPR”), the following concerning privacy should be taken into consideration by of all those who link up to the web service of Gen Rosso, accessible at the address: https://www.genrosso.com corresponding to the homepage of Gen Rosso's official website. The informative document is valid only for the official website of Gen Rosso and not for the other websites that may eventually be consulted by the use of the link.
None of the data deriving from the web service will be disclosed or disseminated. The personal data furnished by users who forward requests for the sending of informative material (answers to questions, newsletters, etc.) are used only with the aim of answering these requests and are disclosed to third parties only in cases where deemed necessary.
Navigation data
The informatics systems and the software procedures assigned to the running of this website acquire, throughout their normal functioning, some personal data the transmission of which is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. This deals with information that is not gathered to be associated to identified entities involved, but by their very nature may, through elaborations and associations with data held by third parties, lead to the identification of the users. Under this category of data fall the IP addresses or names of domains of the computer used by users who connect to the site, addresses in the notation URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the resources requested, time of the request, method used in sending the request to the server, dimension of the file obtained in response, numerical code indicating the status of the answer given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the informatics environment of the user. These data, used with the sole aim of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check the correct functioning, are cancelled immediately after elaboration. The data may be used to check the responsibility, in case of hypothetical informatics infringements that may damage the site: except for this possibility, the status of data on the web contacts does not persist for more than seven days.
Data furnished freely by the user
The option to send, in an explicit and voluntary way, electronic mail to the addresses given on this site, implies the succeeding acquisition of the sender’s address needed for purposes of responding to requests, as well as the eventual other personal data inserted in the mail. Summarized informative specifications will progressively be reported or displayed in the pages of the site programmed for particular services on request.
None of the personal data of users are purposely acquired from the site. Cookies are not used for the relaying of personal type of information, and also persistent c.d. cookies of any type, that is, systems for the tracking down of users, are not used. The use of c.d. cookies for sessions (that are not memorized in a persistent manner on the user’s computer and disappear upon closing of the browser) is strictly restricted to the transmission of session identification data (constituted by casual numerals generated by the server) and are necessary to allow safe and efficient surfing of the site. The session c.d. cookies used in this site prevent the recourse to other informatics techniques which could potentially jeopardize the privacy of the surfing of users, and do not allow the acquisition of personal data that identify the user.
Apart from the specifications given for surfing data, the user is free to furnish personal data given in the contact modules of Gen Rosso to solicit the sending of informative material or other communications. We use commercially reasonable technical measures to protect personal data in our possession, and our website uses secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology to help protect your privacy such as name, address, email, and other sensitive information you provide to us.
Personal data are treated with automated instruments for the time strictly necessary to achieve the scopes for which they were gathered. Specific security measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, illicit usage and incorrect or unauthorized access.
The GDPR Code of Conduct acknowledges the following rights to users:
Gen Rosso furthermore has a role of responsibility for the treatment, also with the aim of delivering to the user any confirmation of receipt necessary for the exercise of the rights referred to in Art. 7 of L. Decree 196/03 ("Code on matters of personal data protection"). Users may thus address Gen Rosso for any personal request, clarification or verification of the application of norms on matters of personal data protection, and for the concrete exercise of the users’ rights, better indicated in the previous paragraph, also in cases in which the need arises to provide for the updating, amendment, integration, correction and/or cancellation of the data, as required by the said norm or in relation to the evaluation of the specific demands explicitly expressed by the user. For more information pertaining to the user's rights and for communications with Gen Rosso, please e-mail: info@genrosso.com